Special Sessions S1

Intelligent Applications of Data Collection and Analysis for Context Awareness (IADACA)

organizer :Prof. Jeang-Kuo Chen1, Prof. Shao-kuo Tai2 and Prof. Rung-Ching Chen3
Institution :Chaoyang University of Technology
E-mail :jkchen@cyut.edu.tw1, sgdai@cyut.edu.tw2 and crching@cyut.edu.tw3

Using IoT, Internet of Thing, technologies makes intelligent of objects which through various micro-sensors implanted in the wafer then with a wireless network connecting the Internet. To realize people and objects dialogue, exchange of dialogue between people and objects, and among objects and objects are dependent on data exchanges which are very important for current research trends in artificial intelligent sciences. So that the object in contact with people's lives can become wiser awareness. With the continuous deployment of data analysis applications and technologies, many important awareness services will be proposed. Those data can be analyzed to reveal interesting relationships, detect events and find unforeseen and unknown patterns for context awareness. The goal of this special issue is to provide an opportunity for researchers, engineers and scientists to publish their research results related to the innovative applications of intelligent data collection and analysis for context awareness.


We invite academic researchers and industry professionals from a broad range of disciplines to submit to this special issue. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Smart home and data analysis for context awareness
  2. Smart City and data analysis for awareness applications
  3. Healthcare system and data analysis for context awareness
  4. Social data for context awareness applications
  5. Mining IoT data and web data clawer methods
  6. Security of IoT on context awareness
  7. Image data collection and analysis for awareness computing
  8. The innovation of Apps for context awareness
  9. Robot services for context awareness
  10. The recommender system for context awareness
  11. Reasoning with incomplete or uncertain information for context awareness
  12. Intelligent computing and its applications on context awareness
  13. Context awareness for saving power
  14. Data analysis for context awareness applications
  15. Context awareness and cloud computing
  16. Dealing with Big Data and small data sets Intelligent Applications
  17. Subsampling and feature selection in multiple model machine learning
  18. Hybrid methods in prediction and classification for Intelligent Applications

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Digital Library (IEL) and Scopus Database. Selected papers from the international track will be invited to submit an extended version for a special issue in the Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JSIE, indexed by SCIE) after the conference. Please note that papers must submit via the submission system website and meet the format of TAAI2021.

Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted using the IEEE 2-column format
Paper submitted here