Accepted Papers/Posters

8 A2-5. The Paired Restrained-Domination Problem in Supergrid Graphs
10 A1-2. Trajectory-Based Dynamic Handwriting Recognition Using Fusion Neural Network
14 A2-1. Return-of-Interest Conscious Truth Inference for Crowdsourcing Queries
19 A3-1. Interpolation based reversible hiding scheme by using center folding strategy and flexibly adjusting hiding operator
25 A1-1. FakeCLIP: Multimodal Fake Caption Detection with Mixed Languages for Explainable Visualization
26 A2-2. Identifying Non-Intentional Ad Traffic on the Demand-Side in Display Advertising
27 C1-4. Data Collection Framework on Menus satisfying both Preferences and Nutritional Balance
28 A5-1. Examining the Matthew Effect on YouTube Recommendation System
30 A1-5. Locally Interpretable One-Class Anomaly Detection for Credit Card Fraud Detection
37 A4-4. On Gradient Descent for On-Chip Learning
40 A4-1. True or False: Does the Deep Learning Model Learn to Detect Rumors?
43 C1-1. FOCM: Faster Octave Convolution Using Mix-scaling
50 A2-3. TCN-based Future Prediction Using Financial Indices, Bargain Chips, and Forum Messages
65 A1-3. Dynamic Span Selection for Mandarin Articles through Contextual Relations and Orthography
73 A3-5. A Hybrid Evaluation of AI Chatbots in Taiwan Agriculture Services
76 C1-2. Ammonia Gas Detection Based on CNN with Heatmap and Transfer Learning
77 C1-3. MLNN: A Novel Network Intrusion Detection Based on Multilayer Neural Network
78 A3-2. Global Structured Feature Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
80 A5-4. Housing Price Prediction by Using Generative Adversarial Networks
88 C1-5. A Machine-Learning-based Approach for Parameter Control in Bee Colony Optimization for Traveling Salesman Problem
91 A3-3. Secured Steganographic Scheme Utilizing Fuzzy Threshold with Weighted Matrix
92 A3-4. New Pruning Method Based on DenseNet Network for Image Classification
93 A4-2. HAEE: Question Classi cation Using Hierarchical Intra-Attention Enhancement Encoder
96 A5-2. Local Coordination in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
100 A4-3. More than Extracting “Important” Sentences: the Application of PEGASUS
106 A2-4. A Hybrid Deep Learning Network for Long-Term Travel Time Prediction in Freeways
112 A5-5. Factors Affecting Vlog Viewers' Behavioral Intentions: An Empirical Study Based on Innovation Diffusion Theory
113 A1-4. Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization with Several Pheromone Updates for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
132 A5-3. Research on Teaching Effectiveness of Computational Thinking Task-Based on Service Learning

Special session S1: Intelligent Applications of Data Collection and Analysis for Context Awareness (IADACA)
36 D2-1. Combination of EEG and Brainwave Mind Lamp to detect the value of Attention, Meditation and Fatigue of a person
44 D2-2. Risk Management Analysis of the Sustainable Supply Chain Using a Fuzzy Hybrid Approach in India
48 D2-3. The Transformation of RDB to NoSQL DB
126 D2-4. A Unified Temporal Erasable Itemset Mining Approach

Special session S2: Awareness Computing based on Machine Learning Technologies (ACMLT)
51 C2-1. Multi-class Sentiment Analysis
109 C2-2. A stochastic logistic sigmoid regression using convex programming and clustering
124 C2-3. A Fast Algorithm for Deriving Frequent Itemsets
133 C2-4. Music Genre Classification Based On Visualized Spectrogram

Special session S3: Technologies and Applications for Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (TAAIoT)
97 A6-1. Using digital image and curve regression model to classify air quality
115 A6-2. Performance of C-V2X Communications for High Density Traffics Highway Scenarios
127 A6-3. Analyze influence factors in customer’s insurance transaction by decision tree model
128 A6-4. A Clustering-Based Gauss Chaotic Mapping Particle Swarm Optimization for Auto Labeling in Human Activity Recognition
134 A6-5. An ICA Approach to Estimate the Q-matrix

21 C3-1. An Automatic Response System based on Multi- layer Perceptual Neural Network and Web Crawler
22 C3-2. Application of Deep Learning for Mushrooms Cultivation
33 C3-3. Deep Learning-based Real-time Detection and Correction System for Stroke Rehabilitation Posture
47 C3-4. Machine Learning in Cyber Security Analytics using NSL-KDD Dataset
58 C3-5. PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals Using Partial Transmit Sequences with Modified Phase Generation Mechanism
61 C3-6. Using Random Forests and Decision Trees to Predict Viewing Game Live Streaming via Viewers' Comments
75 C3-7. Finding the Key Factors of Successful Personal Brand of Internet Celebrities
2 C3-8. Maximum power point tracking based on the fuzzy controller in photovoltaic power systems
79 C5-1. The TOTP Security Method for MQTT Protocol
81 C5-2. Preliminary Implementation of Grasping Operation by a Collaborative Robot Arm: Using a Ball as Example
95 C5-3. The Needs Analysis of Virtual Exergaming
105 C5-4. Predicting Credit Risk in Peer-to-Peer Lending: A Machine Learning Approach with Few Features
107 C5-5. Improving Multi-Scale Models with A Comparative Framework for Semantic Segmentation
108 C5-6. User Addiction Behavior Towards Online Mobile Games Influences In Apps Purchase Behavior
125 C5-7. Fireworks Image Classification with Deep Learning
119 C5-8. Applying Discriminant Analysis and LVQ Neural Network to an Empirical Study of Corporate Social Responsibility on Taiwanese Electronics Companies

1 B1-1. 結合地域性之集成學習法於太陽能發電預測
11 B1-2. 應用GRU與Attention機制結合技術指標於股票交易策略可行性之研究-以台積電為例
16 D1-6. 不確定的環境中無人機的階層式協力運動規劃
17 B6-1. 無人船先導研究:海上船舶避碰行為學習與軌跡預測
18 B5-1. 常見問題檢索使用有效的孿生神經網路
20 B5-2. 利用關係記憶核及獎勵調整改善序列生成對抗網路之研究
23 B2-3. 利用棄牌資訊強化策略改良麻將程式
24 B5-3. 利用語意文件檢索及多步推理於開放式問答系統之研究
31 B1-3. 應用於製造業之誤差補償模型及動態更新方法
34 B3-1. 數值標籤為基底之深度學習物件辨識系統-以速食餐廳為例
38 D1-4. 基於電腦視覺之大白鼠行為辨識
41 D1-2. 基於自動分頁預測之大規模資料應用程式介面建置 - 以活動擷取為例
42 D1-3. 應用多任務序列標記模型於零樣本跨語言網頁模板移除之研究
49 B1-4. 大腦區域功能性連結分析之思覺失調症自動判別
56 B5-4. 從常見問答集自動產生客服問答機器人
57 B6-6. 應用強化式學習探勘活動來源網頁
59 B5-5. 探索異質圖和中心性資訊於語音文件摘要
60 B3-2. 基於輕量化離散餘弦轉換之純頻域深度網路
62 B3-3. 植基於卷積神經網路之行人再識別
63 B6-2. KNIME數據整合分析平台於資料探勘之應用
66 B2-5. 跨語句式語言模型於對話式語音辨識重新評分之研究
67 B2-2. 基於監督離散雜湊之張量資料模型
70 B6-3. 整合深度學習預測模型於股票投資策略
71 B2-6. Subsolid Nodules Detection in 2D Lung CT Images With Modified YOLOv4
74 B1-5. 基於投票機制整合多深度模型之自動瑕疵檢測
82 B3-4. Tool Measurement Using Foreground Segment Network
84 B3-5. Multi-Dots SiamRPN++ Tracking for Pronated Foot Analysis in PSMNet Stereo Space
85 B2-4. A Pairwisely Probing Approach to Solving Nonogram Puzzles
89 D1-1. On Wang kWTA with Recurrent State Decay
94 D1-5. 農作蜜棗損傷原因之高效能分類
103 B5-6. 利用BERT意圖判斷優化GPT-2對話生成的客服輔助對話機器人
114 B1-6. 改善集成學習方法以提升分類效能之研究
116 B3-6. Face De-identification using Face Processing Methods
120 B6-4. 一個從封閉頻繁序列還原頻繁序列的高效能方法
122 B6-5. 一個從封閉高效益項目集還原高效益項目集的高效能方法
123 B2-1. Fake Profile Detection on Social Media Based on User Preferences

5 C4-1. 以智慧型遊戲App實現「觀念延續性」+「知識內化」之教學理念
35 C4-2. AI健身趣:基於深度學習之健身姿勢識別系統
55 C4-3. Improve Chit-chat and QA Sentence Classification in User Messages of Dialogue System using Dialogue Act
68 C4-4. 多維空間中的快速k-NN演算法
69 C4-5. 四元樹分類新解
99 C4-6. 基於元學習之跨領域增量推薦系統
101 C4-7. 基於生成改編故事之聊天機器人
104 C4-8. 應用於客服機器人基於意圖分類與關鍵詞提取之回覆生成技術
111 C4-9. 以情境資訊改進學術圖書館讀者Top-N推薦方法
121 C4-10. 效益之週期性頻繁樣型探勘 應用於股票資料分析

1 D3-1. AI-FML Tool for High School Student Learning and Practical Application
2 D3-2. A study of CBT-based consulting system: App for melancholia patients
3 D3-3. How AIoT Joins Hand in Hand with the Persimmon Sun-Dried Machine Re-Invents Community Imagination and Tourism
5 D3-4. EFUNet: Enhanced Feature-based Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Networks